Every year we hold a “First Nighter Meeting” for students interested in joining Police Explorers. This years is Monday Sept 28th at 630pm at the Charles Mack Citizen Center in the Moore room. Please RSVP by Friday September 25, 2015 to kfrost@ci.mooresville.nc.us, if you plan on attending.
The Mooresville High School Counseling Department hosted our annual senior night on September 1, 2015. With over 400 attendees, it was a great success and loaded with lots of information. For your convenience , the presentation at the link below. Amanda Miller will be at the Mooresville Public Library on Saturday, September 5 from 10:00am-12:00pm to offer an open Q&A for parents and seniors who didn't attend last night and for anyone who would like more help with the college application process. The handouts are available in the counseling office if you need them.
Yearbook photos for grades 9-11 will be taken on Wednesday Sept. 2. Students will dismiss by homeroom throughout the day according to a set schedule. Please review the times for your photos, as well as ordering information from Strawbridge. For more information, please visit the MHS Yearbook site.
Did you know...Our yearbook competes against other schools based on theme, copy, design, and photography as a publication AND the students submit pieces individually.
We cleaned house at the North Carolina Scholastic Media Association and yearbook camp in Myrtle Beach. Competing against hundreds of schools in the NCSMA large school division and 32 schools (150 students) at Walsworth yearbook camp; our program is blooming with your support.
Thank you!
Overall Honor for large schools
Honorable Mention Cover Design
Logan Prochaska: Second Place Theme Spread
Logan Prochaska: Second Place Feature Photo (Golf)
Bret Wilke: Second Place Sports Copy (Football Spread)
Logan Prochaska: Third Place Theme Copy
Kaleigh Polson: Third Place Feature Copy (PromPosals)
Zoe Hambley: Honorable Mention Feature Photograph
Elena Nowak: Honorable Mention Captions
Payton Hamilton: Honorable Mention Feature Copy
Walsworth Yearbook Camp June 23-26:
Isabella Gagliardo: First Place in Photoshop
Skylar Goldstein: First Place with her Marketing Plan
Sarah Durkin: Most Likely to Succeed
Hannah Popp: Third Place in Advanced InDesign
Grace Goodsell: Third Place in Photography
MHS Pitchfork: Superior Performance in meeting EVERY deadline
Student schedules will be mailed home the week of August 10.
Laptop deployment dates are August 17, 18, 19, or 22 at the Magnolia Campus. A parent/guardian must attend the training with the student each year and more information has been sent home regarding the deployment dates.
We will host a Freshmen Orientation event for our listing 9th graders on Friday, August 21 from 12pm until 5pm. This is a student-only event and our freshmen are also invited to a cookout and will receive free admission into our first home football game that evening after the orientation event. All freshmen are expected to be at the event.
Our Fall Open House event is Tuesday, September 8 (5:30-7:00pm) and that is an opportunity to meet each teacher after the school year begins.
If you have any questions, please call the school at 704.658.2580.
Student parking is, yet again, at a premium. and all parking spaces will be assigned to students by number. When a student signs up for their parking space, they will pick the lot and the exact parking space that they will use ALL YEAR LONG. Students must park only in their assigned lot and will not be allowed to change parking spaces during the year. Students must pick up an application first or print one from the MHS website under the student tab (seniors on July 29 and juniors on August 5), then we will begin accepting applications from seniors on August 3 and juniors on August 10. Students wishing to purchase a parking pass need to stop by the main office Monday through Thursday between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. Seniors are given first priority followed by juniors. Due to the upcoming construction, we will have even fewer parking spaces for our students as well (the C Lot is closed, for example). If you would like to purchase a parking pass please make sure that you come with the following items:
$60 in the form of cash or check
Valid Driver’s License
and your Vehicle Registration
Prior to purchasing the pass, students will be required to read the parking guidelines and complete the parking contract (must be signed by the parent/guardian). Students will not be issued a parking pass until they have paid any outstanding fines/fees to MHS as well.
Parking passes for the Woods campus are sold separately in the NF Woods main office.
Six cadets participated in NJROTC Sail camp in Moncks Corner, sc. At the regatta cadets Lowe and Spencer tied for third place and cadet Scribner placed first.
Parents! Has your son/daughter registered for an AP class for next year? Are they new to the AP program? MHS will host its annual AP Boot Camp on August 10, 11, and 12. Sign-up under the Students' tab on our website. The deadline is June 30, 2015. Summer assignments for AP students have also been posted.
Hello Seniors! Congratulations on your graduation. One last thing before you walk across that stage...Please request your final transcript for the college you are attending in the fall. It's easy! After you log into your Naviance account:
1Select the Colleges tab.
2In the Resources section, click Transcripts.
3Click Request transcripts for my college applications.
4Check the Request Final Transcripts box for the appropriate applications.
5Click Request Final Transcript.
This will only work if you have checked ACCEPTED by the college you are attending. Final transcripts will be mailed by July 1.
Tonight we will honor our students in grades 9-11 with our academic award ceremony. We will live stream tonight's Underclassman Awards ceremony via our webpage.
Yearbooks are HERE! Distribution starts May 15 Pick up your book in the auditorium during 3rd block on Monday & Tuesday Room 122 during 3rd block or after school ONLY starting May 20 $85 CASH limited quantities
The MHS Main Entrance has a beautiful new flower garden to honor longtime MHS bookkeeper Ms. Kay Bowles, who passed away earlier this school year. The garden is the result of a Community Outreach Project by Ms. Knippenberg's Environmental Earth Science class. Students from the Learning Lab assisted in the planting.
The following students took the initiative to get the funding from Lowe's and then spend an entire Saturday planting:
Chris Caruso
Colton Pierce
Nick Pianovich
Allison Johnson
Bryan Izzo
Cody Threet
Elizabeth Underwood
Students who did not pass an academic core course this year need to register for Summer School. Summer School will be held at Mooresville Middle School this year due to construction at MHS.
The last day to guarantee you will receive a 2015 yearbook is May 6.
You can order online: YearbookForever.com for $80
Books arrive soon and quantities are limited, so order your's today.
Can't remember if you already purchased one?
Check out the yearbook Website: www.tinyurl.com/MHSPitchforkYearbook
Seniors will receive information from Crider’s Photography about cap and gown pictures when they pick up their cap and gown on April 15th or 16th. Individual cap and gown pictures AND the group picture will be taken on April 27th. Seniors must sign up to have their individual picture taken. Orders must be paid for when photos are taken on April 27th.
*Additional order forms can be picked up in the counseling office.
Sign up for your cap and gown portrait appointment at
All Senior English students at Mooresville High School are required to participate in a Senior Project as part of their graduation requirement. Each student chooses a topic that is of interest, researches the topic, writes a paper and then does a minimum of 15 hour of hands-on learning about the topic. Once completed, they create a digital portfolio of their learning experience. The Senior Project culminates in a 15 minute presentation on the topic to a panel of 3-5 judges.
As a member of the Senior Project Review Board, you will have the opportunity to view the student's portfolios, listen to their oral presentations and ask them questions. The time commitment is approximately 2 hours.
If you are willing to serve as a judge, please visit this webpage and complete the form for judges or email mhsseniorproject@mgsd.k12.nc.us
Come to Chick Fil A on Monday, March 23rd from 5pm-8pm and support Mooresville High School. There will be drawings for iTunes gift cards and for a Chick Fil A gift card. One entry per student and one additional entry for each person that comes with the student. So, bring your friends from other schools and your family too, and help Mooresville High School and maybe win a gift card yourself. Winners will be announced during the announcements at school on March 24th. Good luck and we will see you there!
Information for 2015-16 course registration has been posted on our website. Students will complete their registration 4th block this week.
On Wednesday, March 18 from 4:30 - 7:00 in the Magnolia Gymnasium we are hosting a rising 9th - 12th grade optional registration night for parents and students who need further assistance with course selections.
If you have questions about the registration process, please direct them to your school counselor.
You are cordially invited to an evening of amazing work by our NF Woods students at the 2015 NF Woods Art Gallery Opening on March 13! We hope you will join us!
Due to the weather, all tryouts for Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Baseball and Lacrosse have been moved to Thursday February 19th. Please continue to check the Mooresville Athletics Webpage for the most current updates regarding date, location and times.
Join us for “Discover Mitchell”, an open house targeted to area students in grades 9 through 12. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Blocker at NF Woods. See you on March 19!
The MGSD Student Health Advisory Council has created a website with resources for parents, teachers & students regarding healthy living. This resource link is on the home page of the Wood's website and in the announcements and under Student and Parent resources on the MHS site.
Please visit the site and if you know of a resource that is not listed, you think will be helpful let us know. This website is for everyone, so any ideas, suggestions or comments are welcome.
Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics is a free, residential, summer program for rising juniors and rising seniors who want to explore topics in science, technology, medicine, engineering, or mathematics. Please encourage all highly able, STEM-enthusiastic students to apply for this highly competitive four-week research opportunity! The program is administered by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics and the host campuses are Appalachian, East Carolina, North Carolina Central, and UNC-Charlotte. Students need a complete online application, teacher and counselor evaluations and a current transcript with first semester grades to be considered. Applications due Jan. 31, teacher and counselor evaluations and transcripts due on February 15, 2014. www.summerventures.org
Seniors! The deadline to order your cap and gown and avoid a late fee is Friday, January 16th. Visit the link below to order or call Herff-Jones @ 704-873-5563.
On Monday, January 12 at 6:30pm, Mooresville High school will host a Financial Aid Night at the Charles Mack Citizen Center. Information about financial aid and scholarships will be presented by Mr. Dave Gelinas from Davidson College. Questions about the financial aid process, how to complete the FAFSA, where to find scholarships and understanding financial aid packages will be answered. See you there!